Rutger Kuyper

The Nijmegen Mathematics Ph.D. Colloquium offers Ph.D. students working in the Netherlands an opportunity to talk about their research in an informal setting. These talks should be non-technical and intelligible to all maths Ph.D. students, not just the ones from your field. You can talk about both previous and ongoing research, and are invited to discuss the problems you face.

I am organising the Ph.D. Colloquium jointly with Johan Commelin.

Information for speakers

A beamer, blackboard and overhead projector are available in the colloquium room. Talks should last at most 60 minutes. Preferably, talks are given in English. Directions to the Huygens building can be found here.


The colloquium is on hiatus until September 2015.

A public calendar feed (for example, for use in Google Calendar or the OS X Calendar application) is available here.

2011 and before

Previously, the Ph.D. Colloquium was organised by Pieter Naaijkens.